ROMO DE VIVAR 1800 -1850
Alguien tiene familias Romo de Vivar en Zacatecas entre los años 1800 y 1850?
Humberto Pro
Calvillo native son, Appointed to the Cathedral in Aguascalientes. Designado a la catedral en Aguascalientes.
Congratulations ! Padre Casimiro Serna Esqueda, best wishes and prayers.
Nombres encontrados en actas:
Acta de matrimonio juzgado 1 año 1917 libro 492 foja 107
México, D.F. 14 de nov. De 1917
Adalberto Perez Lete originario de Zacatecas de 42 años viudo
Hi All, familysearch just released the Catholic records for Durango! I have a couple so I am very happy!
Footnote translation assistance request. Calvillo, Ags. Ayuda de la traducción
The following is from the May 11, 1845, baptism of Juana Serna, Rancho Agostadero, Calvillo, Ags. Baptism book 13, page 119, entry no. 164, IMAGE NO. 21 OF 145.
Manuel Caudillo family in Aguascalientes
I'm looking on any information on Manuel Caudillo who lived in Aguascalientes in 1963. This was the last time we were there. He had childrenbut can't remember there names.
Jalisco on Google Street view.
Probably most of you know about Google street view by now. This company already photographed most of the streets in the United States and now has gone international.
Lopez de Elizalde
I have found the surname Lopez de Elizalde with a number of variations, but
Lopes seemed predominant; and the name Elizalde was more often spelled as
some variation of Lizarde.
Ramon De la Torre, Maria Felix, Nabor Rodriguez y Jesus Garcia?
alguien tiene estos nombres en sus arboles?
Lozano Research