Veiling (Danny Alonso)
Some notes on Velacion (de velo) and velacion de vigilar.
f. Acción de velar (vigilar). A wake, a
(The action of watching)
As in “Lo velamos anoche”.
Parish records for Toribio, Zacatecas
Hello Everyone:
Marriage of Miguel Martel and Mariana Morales
Hello Nuestros Ranchos Forum,
Could someone help me and tell me what this says about my ancestor Miguel
Martel and his wife Mariana Morales.
Barrios Minjares de Colotlan jalisco
Hi, after a long time without any clue conserning my Barrios family branch, I had a hint that said that they were from Colotlan Jalisco.
Petrona Gonzalez de Gardea / Petronila de Retamosa / Petrona Macias
Hello Nuestros Ranchos Forum,
i'm looking for information on the parents, and especially the mother of,
Eugenio Lozano.
Need translation
When I was in Spain some years ago I bought an "escudo" for my godfather whose surname was Perea.
Hello Nuestros Ranchos Forum,
I see on the side of the marriage records sometime it says velados or
velacion or velar and i guess that's the veiling that i seen mentioned
before on the Nuestros R
Dna database that is combining all results in one mayor database
I invite you all to inpout your dna results into this university database to combine all results in one mayor data base, so fart i have one relative identify.
Familia Torres in Guadalajara Jalisco
I am looking for my gramas family in Guadalajara Jalisco.
I found her birth record but i am interested in meeting her family, she die when my father was 5 years old and he never meet her family-